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 160609. ID_news Flu-Related US Fatalities May Exceed 24,000
2020-03-28 13:06:49 EST Source
 160610. Virology SARS-COV2 and zoonotic transmission.
2020-03-28 12:18:48 EST Source
 160611. Virology Question re acquired immunity.
2020-03-28 11:58:46 EST Source
 160612. Virology Studying people with natural immunity to viruses -Questions
2020-03-28 11:17:58 EST Source
 160613. Virology What are some viruses that are structurally similar to the Coronavirus family?
2020-03-28 10:46:43 EST Source
 160614. epidemic CORONAVIRUS Cases Count in Each Country | Top countries with most CORONAVIRUS Cases | Ranking Freak
2020-03-28 09:12:05 EST Source
 160615. Virology Am I endangering her if I stand 3 m away from her, outside, wearing plastic gloves and a mask?
2020-03-28 07:53:50 EST Source
 160616. epidemic Experts know the new coronavirus is not a bioweapon. They disagree on whether it could have leaked from a research lab - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
2020-03-28 06:10:54 EST Source
 160617. epidemic Superspreaders: The problem with forecasting the beginnings of epidemics
2020-03-28 05:25:05 EST Source
 160618. epidemic Concept Art - Remember that medical staff across the world put their life on the line to fight epidemics
2020-03-28 01:54:12 EST Source
 160619. Virology Question about converting proteins into organisms
2020-03-27 23:55:41 EST Source
 160620. epidemic Wash Your Hands! Stay Home Save Lives!
2020-03-27 21:37:04 EST Source
 160621. Virology List of virology experts tweeting/and updating live on COVID-19
2020-03-27 21:02:45 EST Source
 160622. epidemic 5 Things Included in the $2 Trillion Stimulus Package
2020-03-27 20:41:56 EST Source
 160623. epidemic r/COVID_Speculation, for discussion that is speculative but not entirely detached from reality. Halfway between a normie sub and a conspiracy sub.
2020-03-27 19:44:07 EST Source
 160624. Virology COVID19 and UV Radiation. What would it take to kill it?
2020-03-27 18:32:33 EST Source
 160625. ID_news Forecasting COVID-19 impact on hospital bed-days, ICU-days, ventilator days and deaths by US state in the next 4 months
2020-03-27 18:21:36 EST Source
 160626. Virology How do labs produce vaccines?
2020-03-27 17:28:23 EST Source
 160627. epidemic hantavirus – VIRALSITA
2020-03-27 16:28:23 EST Source
 160628. epidemic U.S. Coronavirus Cases Approach 100,000; Boris Johnson Tests Positive
2020-03-27 16:10:00 EST Source
 160629. epidemic History's deadliest viruses illustrated to scale (including information on year discovered, carrier/origin, how it transmits, mortality rate, incubation period, and death toll).
2020-03-27 16:04:31 EST Source
 160630. Virology Nucleotide deletions in a viral genome - Theory on SARS COV-1
2020-03-27 15:50:42 EST Source
 160631. Virology COVID 19 viral load.
2020-03-27 13:35:41 EST Source
 160632. epidemic UF Health anesthesiology team devises respirator mask made from existing hospital materials - University of Florida Health - Mar 26 2020
2020-03-27 13:19:44 EST Source
 160633. ID_news Modes of contact and risk of transmission in COVID-19 among close contacts
2020-03-27 11:13:35 EST Source
 160634. ID_news CPAP Machines Were Seen As Ventilator Alternatives, But Could Spread COVID-19
2020-03-27 10:56:07 EST Source
 160635. epidemic Coronavirus Update: Data Visualization Of The Spread COVID19 Coronavirus Worldwide
2020-03-27 10:51:03 EST Source
 160636. Virology Animals & COVID-19
2020-03-27 10:36:51 EST Source
 160637. epidemic Arresting someone in times of Corona (Nepal)
2020-03-27 10:14:51 EST Source
 160638. epidemic Coronavirus: Did We Find A Cure Yet? Doctor Reviews
2020-03-27 10:06:27 EST Source
 160639. epidemic ‘The View’ Host Whoopi Goldberg Hits Newt Gingrich for Suggesting Nurses Will Abandon Coronavirus Patients
2020-03-27 09:13:31 EST Source
 160640. epidemic Stacks of urns in Wuhan prompt new questions about virus's toll
2020-03-27 07:26:05 EST Source
 160641. Virology African Swine Fever, Still Going around but controlled compared to last year, is this a threat to jumping to humans?
2020-03-27 04:18:39 EST Source
 160642. epidemic Urging for paradigm shift of medical system
2020-03-27 03:59:39 EST Source
 160643. epidemic Really interesting personal account from a European expat of life inside a Cambodia government quarantine at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship hospital in Phnom Penh. Sounds bleak!
2020-03-26 22:38:13 EST Source
 160644. Virology How similar are the other coronaviruses?
2020-03-26 22:19:51 EST Source
 160645. Virology Remdesivir and SARS COV 2.
2020-03-26 21:39:23 EST Source
 160646. Virology JEV:Japanese_encephalitis got the vaccine 10 years ago, why is it recommended again?
2020-03-26 19:07:14 EST Source
 160647. epidemic New Paper: Potent human neutralizing antibodies elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection: the diverse and potent neutralizing antibodies identified here are promising candidates for prophylactic and therapeutic SARS-CoV-2 interventions
2020-03-26 18:49:44 EST Source
 160648. epidemic At least 23 sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt are infected with COVID-19—a spike from three cases earlier in the week.
2020-03-26 17:18:09 EST Source
 160649. Virology How real is the threat of bird flu to humans?
2020-03-26 16:20:17 EST Source
 160650. Virology Does anyone know why some healthy people die from COVID-19 and others survive?
2020-03-26 15:41:42 EST Source
 160651. Virology MIT Technology Review on waves of social distancing and herd immunity
2020-03-26 15:29:46 EST Source
 160652. ID_news Swabbed PPE worn during COVID-19 patient care test negative for virus
2020-03-26 14:39:37 EST Source
 160653. ID_news 15-Minute Coronavirus Test Approved
2020-03-26 14:39:17 EST Source
 160654. epidemic Why is Coronavirus Killing More Men?
2020-03-26 12:31:07 EST Source
 160655. Virology Coronavirus: Pangolins found to carry viruses related to Covid-19
2020-03-26 11:48:31 EST Source
 160656. epidemic [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic : Minute by minute analysis | Latest global numbers and updates.
2020-03-26 07:41:23 EST Source
 160657. epidemic How will things change?
2020-03-26 07:31:08 EST Source
 160658. epidemic Marfa’s public radio wants to ease your social isolation during the pandemic
2020-03-26 06:33:29 EST Source
 160659. epidemic Why dont we ever see a bacterial pandemic?
2020-03-26 05:30:30 EST Source
 160660. Virology COVID 19 vs influenza strains.
2020-03-25 23:43:00 EST Source
 160661. ID_news When can we let up? Exploring how to relax coronavirus lockdowns
2020-03-25 23:23:03 EST Source
 160662. ID_news Senate agrees on stimulus bill as COVID-19 cases climb in hot spots
2020-03-25 23:22:40 EST Source
 160663. ID_news ECDC warns of overwhelmed hospitals, Italy-type COVID-19 pattern
2020-03-25 23:21:53 EST Source
 160664. ID_news Chikungunya Vaccine Approaches Phase 3 Study
2020-03-25 23:21:33 EST Source
 160665. epidemic SHARE JOURNAL OR BOOK PLEASE !!!
2020-03-25 21:57:26 EST Source
 160666. Virology Systemic corticosteroids and suppression of antiviral immunity...??
2020-03-25 21:30:48 EST Source
 160667. epidemic Moscow's coronavirus outbreak much worse than it looks, Putin ally says - Reuters - 25 March 2020
2020-03-25 19:41:03 EST Source
 160668. epidemic 5,000 Volunteers Sign up for Coronavirus Vaccine Trial in China's Wuhan City
2020-03-25 18:45:24 EST Source
 160669. epidemic COVID-19 calculator and data
2020-03-25 17:28:33 EST Source
 160670. Virology At what point (in a given community) should people stop ordering delivery?
2020-03-25 16:33:34 EST Source
 160671. Virology If the Spanish Flu got worse because of poor sanitation in trenches during WW1, what happens when Corona reaches the refugee camps in the Middle East?
2020-03-25 15:34:16 EST Source
 160672. epidemic Chinese lab experimented with a "bat x rat pulmonary disease supervirus" back in 2015. It was filmed by Italian TV (TG Leonardo, Rai 3) back in 2015. Video from 04.55 to 07.09. Scientists said "it was risky and unnecessary for public health", referring to such experiments.
2020-03-25 14:23:54 EST Source
 160673. Virology SARS COV 2 is spreading rampantly right now across the globe, what is going to stop the spread? Can it stop itself?
2020-03-25 12:14:28 EST Source
 160674. epidemic Logical explanation for questioning the mortality rate.
2020-03-25 12:11:11 EST Source
 160675. epidemic Sorry, but it's an idea!
2020-03-25 11:09:09 EST Source
 160676. epidemic Guy Dies from Drinking Trump's "Cure"
2020-03-25 11:01:42 EST Source
 160677. Virology Can you get COVID-19 through your eyes?
2020-03-25 09:50:01 EST Source
 160678. epidemic The heartbreaking silence of a city at night, when nightlife has been outlawed
2020-03-25 09:27:58 EST Source
 160679. epidemic Visualization Of The Coronavirus Spread Throughout Brazil
2020-03-25 08:54:08 EST Source
 160680. Virology Question about the name "SARS-CoV-2"
2020-03-25 08:00:57 EST Source
 160681. Virology How do you look for an antibody or protein of a virus? Do you react it with a specific compound like titration? How many trials are done? Is 90% accuracy enough?
2020-03-25 07:12:20 EST Source
 160682. Virology Does the lytic cycle always imply lysis?
2020-03-25 07:10:21 EST Source
 160683. Virology What science has been done or is underway to understand the qualitative comparison of SARS-1 and SARS-2
2020-03-25 06:58:05 EST Source
 160684. epidemic Coronavirus: Prince Charles tests positive for COVID-19 - news.sky.com - 25 March 2020
2020-03-25 06:52:11 EST Source
 160685. epidemic Help Florida beat this!! You will be doing so much good if you sign this. Thank you so much!
2020-03-25 06:31:25 EST Source
 160686. epidemic Save Lives with Reusable Fabric Masks - You Can Sew Them Yourself (Tutorials Included). Please Spread to People That You Think Could Benefit From It.
2020-03-25 04:42:00 EST Source
 160687. Virology Is there any sample blood test result of covid-19?
2020-03-25 02:07:54 EST Source
 160688. epidemic Why do people talk about the coronavirus here?
2020-03-25 00:49:32 EST Source
 160689. epidemic Are some nations overreacting by locking down completely too early?
2020-03-24 23:58:19 EST Source
 160690. epidemic Swedes Try Laissez-Faire Model in Controversial Virus Response - Bloomberg - 24 March 2020
2020-03-24 23:27:32 EST Source
 160691. epidemic Arizona mayors slam Ducey edict keeping golf courses open
2020-03-24 22:31:48 EST Source
 160692. Virology Serum distribution
2020-03-24 22:30:50 EST Source
 160693. epidemic Falwell Misled Me on Reopening Liberty University, City Manager Says
2020-03-24 21:55:59 EST Source
 160694. epidemic Will saliva sample full of 120nm viruses(5.2log10ml) change interference pattern in 119nm single-slit quantum experiment? If so. Producing cheap fast test kits that we need ?
2020-03-24 21:27:00 EST Source
 160695. Virology Will saliva sample full of 120nm viruses(5.2log10ml) change interference pattern in 119nm single-slit quantum experiment? If so. Producing fastest and reusable test ?
2020-03-24 21:11:11 EST Source
 160696. Virology Are we actively evolving SARS-COV-2?
2020-03-24 20:58:07 EST Source
 160697. epidemic Would Trump be willing to be the canary in the coal mine?
2020-03-24 20:42:20 EST Source
 160698. epidemic Scientists say the coronavirus is not mutating quickly and might respond to a single vaccine
2020-03-24 18:30:11 EST Source
 160699. epidemic community for researchers dealing with shutdowns
2020-03-24 17:44:14 EST Source
 160700. Virology This has been floating around, not sure how much is accurate at all, anyone know their facts that can set this straight? I'm really curious if any of it is valid or not.
2020-03-24 17:25:59 EST Source
 160701. epidemic Grand Innovation Prizes to Address Pandemics: A Primer
2020-03-24 17:14:34 EST Source
 160702. epidemic Is the movie Contagion a good example of what COVID-19 or other modern day pandemics can turn into?
2020-03-24 13:23:39 EST Source
 160703. Virology 2006 Study showed potential anti viral activity from Indomethacin against SARS in human lung cells
2020-03-24 12:48:11 EST Source
 160704. epidemic Visualization Of The Coronavirus Spread Throughout Africa
2020-03-24 11:50:42 EST Source

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