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 2017. Virology Temporal virome analysis help
2025-03-04 09:21:20 EST Source
 2018. Virology Rate of viral mutation
2025-03-03 11:58:06 EST Source
 2019. Virology Is ambisense RNA specific to viruses? Or does it occur more widely in biology
2025-03-02 22:28:52 EST Source
 2020. Virology Clade H5N1 neuraminidase has a long stalk, which is in contrast to most highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses circulating between 2002 and 2020
2025-03-02 18:30:25 EST Source
 2021. Virology Why is rhinovirus…?
2025-03-01 10:48:56 EST Source
 2022. Virology Do viruses often package the host ribosome inside their capsid?
2025-02-28 22:46:43 EST Source
 2023. Virology Common cold and high WBC
2025-02-27 16:09:55 EST Source
 2024. Virology FDAs VRBPAC Meeting to Discuss Fall Flu Vaccine Strain Inclusion Canceled
2025-02-26 18:53:43 EST Source
 2025. Virology Avian flu and raw meat
2025-02-26 13:27:47 EST Source
 2026. Virology What measures can I take to avoid contracting herpes from a partner?
2025-02-24 21:33:01 EST Source
 2027. Virology How long is RV-40 contagious after infection.
2025-02-24 10:31:14 EST Source
 2028. Virology What are the some of the biggest questions in virology that remain to be elucidated?
2025-02-23 21:38:54 EST Source
 2029. Virology Can avian flu spread via the wind? Can't be ruled out, experts say
2025-02-23 19:17:43 EST Source
 2030. Virology I wish 'this week in virology ' would monetize their YouTube channel
2025-02-23 11:16:16 EST Source
 2031. Virology Viral tolerance enabled by a bat-specific genomic tweak - News Article in Nature
2025-02-22 17:38:30 EST Source
 2032. Virology Is there a possibility of human bird flu infection from raw fish?
2025-02-22 17:38:24 EST Source
 2033. Virology Freeze drying H5N1
2025-02-22 01:55:23 EST Source
 2034. Virology Smallest dsDNA that encodes it's own polymerase?
2025-02-21 18:15:37 EST Source
 2035. Virology Help!
2025-02-20 03:54:49 EST Source
 2036. Virology Hey everybody, I was looking for some advice on going back to grad school to pursue a PhD in Virology.
2025-02-20 00:50:23 EST Source
 2037. Virology Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor. Bat HKU5-CoV-2 uses human ACE2 receptor & ACE2 orthologs from multiple species. Bat HKU5-CoV-2 was isolated & infect human-ACE2-expressing cells
2025-02-19 12:51:55 EST Source
 2038. Virology Enveloped Virus Viability
2025-02-18 22:35:46 EST Source
 2039. Virology Most interesting virus?
2025-02-18 07:24:29 EST Source
 2040. Virology Reporter looking to connect with public health folks in govt
2025-02-18 00:02:42 EST Source
 2041. Virology Chimeric infective particles expand species boundaries in phage inducible chromosomal island mobilization
2025-02-17 23:20:43 EST Source
 2042. Virology Why does HIV carry 2 copies of its genome???
2025-02-17 18:35:41 EST Source
 2043. Virology Paranoid?
2025-02-15 18:55:28 EST Source
 2044. Virology How long can norovirus survive on surfaces enough to be a concern?
2025-02-15 15:31:11 EST Source
 2045. Virology Looking for advice for a metagenomic study
2025-02-15 05:38:48 EST Source
 2046. Virology Most dangerous Herpes Virus
2025-02-14 12:02:09 EST Source
 2047. Virology Interpreting a super high IGG EBV value
2025-02-13 15:29:41 EST Source
 2048. Virology H5N1 Transmission from cow to calf via milk - USDA
2025-02-10 19:49:52 EST Source
 2049. Virology good to read/watch about viruses? 🦠
2025-02-10 06:47:58 EST Source
 2050. Virology HPV-induced warts, or cancer.
2025-02-10 05:50:09 EST Source
 2051. Virology How can I keep my pet safe from H5N1?
2025-02-09 23:38:01 EST Source
 2052. Virology What are some of the scariest lesser known/more obscure diseases & pathogens/viruses that not that many people know about? (I.e. NOT H5N1 or the usual suspects).
2025-02-09 17:46:27 EST Source
 2053. Virology What virus do you find the most interesting to learn about and why?
2025-02-08 16:53:25 EST Source
 2054. Virology Is Hypochlorous acid spray an effective hand sanitizer for Noroviruses
2025-02-08 16:52:31 EST Source
 2055. Virology EBV and Mumps
2025-02-07 04:54:26 EST Source
 2056. Virology Can enveloped viruses survive in fatty subtances
2025-02-07 02:47:52 EST Source
 2057. Virology Want to ask
2025-02-06 12:14:33 EST Source
 2058. Virology Inactivating Noro
2025-02-04 16:09:58 EST Source
 2059. Virology Public Health Data Removed – Join r/AskCDC for Discussion!
2025-02-01 19:01:38 EST Source
 2060. Virology Rate of viruses to human ratio
2025-02-01 14:49:34 EST Source
 2061. Virology Is Ebola/Marburg a reason to not travel to a country?
2025-01-31 21:50:34 EST Source
 2062. Virology Weird Smell after infection?
2025-01-31 12:50:06 EST Source
 2063. Virology Virologists: what scares you!?
2025-01-30 02:46:44 EST Source
 2064. Virology Is the flu a full-body virus?
2025-01-29 14:25:44 EST Source
 2065. Virology How prevalent are virophages? I am wondering if they are rare or if they are actually super common
2025-01-28 00:27:34 EST Source
 2066. Virology Please recommend books like spillover.
2025-01-27 20:20:22 EST Source
 2067. Virology The Stigma Around HIV
2025-01-27 18:49:40 EST Source
 2068. Virology Number of undiscovered pathogens?
2025-01-25 19:33:20 EST Source
 2069. Virology Best country for future research in virology and bacteriophages
2025-01-25 14:04:01 EST Source
 2070. Virology Viruses in nature
2025-01-25 07:36:51 EST Source
 2071. Virology Could some viral infections be less severe in unhealthy people?
2025-01-20 06:10:07 EST Source
 2072. Virology Viruses to research for a fictional story
2025-01-20 03:14:42 EST Source
 2073. Virology Henipavirus in Northern Short-Tailed Shrew, Alabama, USA
2025-01-19 03:39:41 EST Source
 2074. Virology Hypothetical near-future engineered virus with hyperspecific targeting?
2025-01-17 13:15:12 EST Source
 2075. Virology Can you give me a link to disprove something?
2025-01-17 11:21:11 EST Source
 2076. Virology Can viruses out compete each other?
2025-01-14 16:31:41 EST Source
 2077. Virology Any ideas?
2025-01-14 13:50:39 EST Source
 2078. Virology Pandemic Cycle Question
2025-01-13 16:11:35 EST Source
 2079. Virology How Lagging Vaccination Could Lead to a Polio Resurgence
2025-01-13 08:13:37 EST Source
 2080. Virology Enveloped virus
2025-01-12 14:16:21 EST Source
 2081. Virology Binomial Distribution for HSV Risks
2025-01-11 19:20:14 EST Source
 2082. Virology How to prevent illness before out of state surgery?
2025-01-11 16:41:21 EST Source
 2083. Virology Is this picture slime layer vs. capsule, or capsulated/smooth (S) vs. non-capsulated/rough (R), or biofilm vs. no biofilm? how do you tell?
2025-01-11 10:17:16 EST Source
 2084. Virology risk from an outdoor cat to humans?
2025-01-09 15:49:40 EST Source
 2085. Virology US confirms first human death linked to bird flu
2025-01-06 16:13:37 EST Source
 2086. Virology What causes a virus to mutate?
2025-01-05 17:50:52 EST Source
 2087. Virology How pernicious and viral metapneumovirus (hMPV) is?
2025-01-05 12:51:13 EST Source
 2088. Virology Long Covid Question.
2025-01-05 09:37:47 EST Source
 2089. Virology Book Suggestions?
2025-01-02 16:04:29 EST Source
 2090. Virology Named this unknown virus 'Thanatovirus' (IPA: /θænəˈtoʊvɪrəs/) – it started in children's hospitals in China and gives off COVID-19 vibes. Saw it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-IGSdSow4A and would like someone to create a scientific name for it "
2025-01-02 14:53:54 EST Source
 2091. Virology HKU scientists reveal orally administrated bismuth drug together with N-acetyl cysteine as a potential broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus cocktail therapy
2025-01-02 12:15:21 EST Source
 2092. Virology Should I Build a Pathogen Info Search Tool?
2025-01-02 01:33:26 EST Source
 2093. Virology HSV2 confirmatory test
2025-01-01 19:13:30 EST Source
 2094. Virology Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report
2025-01-01 18:06:56 EST Source
 2095. Virology Question for virologists: are plant based vaccines promising?
2025-01-01 17:13:25 EST Source
 2096. Virology Not getting infected against all odds
2024-12-31 02:02:44 EST Source
 2097. Virology A single mutation in dairy cow-associated H5N1 viruses increases receptor binding breadth
2024-12-30 21:13:29 EST Source
 2098. Virology Confusion regarding EBV serological results
2024-12-30 17:01:01 EST Source
 2099. Virology High binding but no viral replication causes and solutions needed
2024-12-30 13:25:26 EST Source
 2100. Virology Risk of recombination of live attenuated virus vaccine with wild type virus?
2024-12-28 22:09:20 EST Source
 2101. Virology How scared should I be of H5N1?
2024-12-28 15:32:51 EST Source
 2102. Virology Is it likely SARS-Cov-1 still exists in nature?
2024-12-28 13:34:15 EST Source
 2103. Virology Can any virologist or doctor explain? First ever cold sore appeared after taking oil of oregeno capsules.
2024-12-26 23:13:57 EST Source
 2104. Virology Have been researching herpes virus - baffled by lack of knowledge even at specialist sexual health clinics. Anyone an expert to answer technical questions?
2024-12-26 21:46:09 EST Source
 2105. Virology HIV Patient Cured Through Stem Cell Transplant from CCR5-Δ32 Mutant Donor.
2024-12-26 20:39:39 EST Source
 2106. Virology The Elusive Payoff of Gain of Function Research
2024-12-26 12:44:13 EST Source
 2107. Virology Pre-pandemic artificial MERS analog of polyfunctional SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 furin cleavage site domain is unique among spike proteins of genus Betacoronavirus | BMC Genomic Data
2024-12-25 20:19:18 EST Source
 2108. Virology Best virology podcasts? I don’t care if they are clean or explicit or not.
2024-12-25 15:44:12 EST Source
 2109. Virology Mysterious RNA ‘Obelisks’ Discovered in Saliva
2024-12-24 16:20:39 EST Source
 2110. Virology Seeking a fictional virus name
2024-12-23 17:15:56 EST Source
 2111. Virology How do people especially toddlers not die from protozoa everyday? Do they only affect certain people?
2024-12-21 14:09:59 EST Source
 2112. Virology Endogenous retrovirus - and reactivation
2024-12-20 06:50:46 EST Source

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