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 ✏️  Posts: 161,436

 705. COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 and innate immunity: the good, the bad, and the “goldilocks”
2023-11-20 16:21:32 EST Source
 706. Coronavirus More US parents plan to vaccinate kids against RSV, flu than COVID, survey shows
2023-11-20 16:00:55 EST Source
 707. Coronavirus More women than men died in Canada during the first months of the COVID pandemic, StatCan finds
2023-11-20 13:57:19 EST Source
 708. ID_news An Outbreak of Parvovirus B19 in Israel: Most infections occurred in school-aged children (6–11 years old). Pregnant women experienced the most significant rise... Israel is currently experiencing the largest and longest reported outbreak of B19V to date.
2023-11-20 12:38:39 EST Source
 709. ID_news Pigeon virus causes fatal neurological disease in young leukemia patient
2023-11-20 12:35:24 EST Source
 710. Coronavirus Vaccine fatigue? Health care workers skip COVID-19 shots
2023-11-20 12:31:45 EST Source
 711. Coronavirus Mysterious Dog Respiratory Illness Spreading in the US: What we know so far
2023-11-20 10:21:26 EST Source
 712. Coronavirus NovaVax has less side effects because it is less effective.
2023-11-20 09:41:21 EST Source
 713. Coronavirus More free COVID-19 tests from the government are available for home delivery through the mail - The Boston Globe
2023-11-20 08:55:56 EST Source
 714. Coronavirus Poland faces vaccine and treatment hurdles amid COVID-19 surge
2023-11-20 08:17:54 EST Source
 715. Coronavirus Neck injection could improve smell issues in some long Covid patients
2023-11-20 06:46:49 EST Source
 716. ID_news Coronavirus strain which killed 8,000 cats in Cyprus found in UK, scientists say: a newly emerged hybrid of an existing feline coronavirus and a canine coronavirus. It is called F-CoV-23
2023-11-20 01:02:08 EST Source
 717. ID_news Flu Season 2023 Turns the South Red — Precision Vaccinations News
2023-11-20 00:49:09 EST Source
 718. ID_news Global measles threat continues to grow as another year passes with millions of children unvaccinated
2023-11-20 00:48:28 EST Source
 719. COVID19_sp Loss of Taste and Smell
2023-11-19 23:32:48 EST Source
 720. Coronavirus How Vaccination Rumours Spread Online: Tracing the Dissemination of Information Regarding Adverse Events of COVID-19 Vaccines
2023-11-19 23:13:28 EST Source
 721. Coronavirus Does Novavax's Covid vaccine cause fewer side effects?
2023-11-19 21:44:38 EST Source
 722. Virology Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat) infected by rabies [Non-OC]
2023-11-19 20:01:11 EST Source
 723. Coronavirus ‘This isn’t a life’: The crushing burden of Long Covid
2023-11-19 18:37:44 EST Source
 724. ID_news Study reveals significant post-COVID meningitis resurgence:reported cases have mainly been caused by meningococcal serogroups that were less frequent before the pandemic, and there has been a particular uptick in cases among people aged 16 to 24
2023-11-19 17:20:56 EST Source
 725. Virology Newly-discovered virus species 'vB_HmeY_H4907' infecting Halmonas meridiana bacteria from the surface sediment of the Mariana Trench at depth of 8,900m
2023-11-19 13:29:55 EST Source
 726. Coronavirus State reprimands cardiologist for performing surgery after testing positive for COVID
2023-11-19 10:36:11 EST Source
 727. ID_news Oregon dealing with respiratory illness incidents in dogs: Causative agent remains unknown
2023-11-19 10:26:47 EST Source
 728. COVID19_sp Figuring out actual symptom start date so we can maybe save Thanksgiving
2023-11-19 09:47:14 EST Source
 729. Coronavirus Weekly Discussion Thread | Week of November 19, 2023
2023-11-19 03:00:27 EST Source
 730. ID_news New species of bacteria discovered after man is bitten by stray cat
2023-11-19 00:27:37 EST Source
 731. COVID19_sp My dad tested positive, how long do we stay masked around each other?
2023-11-18 15:44:46 EST Source
 732. COVID19 Predicted Risks of Thanksgiving & Christmas Gatherings (scroll down)
2023-11-18 13:43:14 EST Source
 733. Virology I'm learning about viruses, diseases and illness.
2023-11-18 09:18:00 EST Source
 734. COVID19 Are the current strains of covid still causing endothelial demage to the same extent?
2023-11-18 07:11:42 EST Source
 735. Coronavirus Just got my updated vaccine!
2023-11-18 00:10:32 EST Source
 736. Coronavirus With COVID Concerns Lagging, Most People Have Not Gotten Latest Vaccine And Half Say They Are Not Taking Precautions This Holiday Season
2023-11-17 19:55:38 EST Source
 737. ID_news 'Sustained increases' reported in flu nationwide, as RSV hits kids hard
2023-11-17 18:57:31 EST Source
 738. ID_news Flu season is on the horizon, according to CDC: The intergenerational mixing of families at holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas often helps flu spread more quickly through the population. “It’s a perfect environment for influenza activity to take off,”
2023-11-17 17:43:59 EST Source
 739. ID_news Public Health Notice: Outbreak of extensively drug-resistant Salmonella infections linked to raw pet food and contact with cattle
2023-11-17 17:37:50 EST Source
 740. ID_news RSV is straining some hospitals, and US officials are releasing more shots for newborns: RSV infections are rising sharply in some parts of the country, nearly filling hospital emergency departments in Georgia, Texas and some other states.
2023-11-17 17:15:36 EST Source
 741. COVID19_sp I’m annoyed I was exposed to Covid last Friday
2023-11-17 15:43:37 EST Source
 742. COVID19 Fast evolution of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 to JN.1 under heavy immune pressure
2023-11-17 11:36:58 EST Source
 743. COVID19 Long-term serial passaging of SARS-CoV-2 reveals signatures of convergent evolution
2023-11-17 11:27:28 EST Source
 744. Coronavirus COVID-19 surge in Western Australia sparks return to masks in hospitals for patients and staff
2023-11-17 09:33:59 EST Source
 745. Coronavirus Substantial decrease noted in severe respiratory illness during first 2 years of pandemic
2023-11-17 06:38:15 EST Source
 746. Virology Recommendations to learn about infectious clones.
2023-11-17 04:10:31 EST Source
 747. Coronavirus US witnesses spike in latest Covid variant cases, HV.1 accounts for over 25% of total infections
2023-11-16 19:16:03 EST Source
 748. COVID19_sp Dumb Question: Should I avoid the person who got me sick? (Context in post)
2023-11-16 18:14:29 EST Source
 749. ID_news Expert recommends isolating dogs amid deadly, highly contagious, ‘mysterious illness’
2023-11-16 16:14:55 EST Source
 750. ID_news Some pregnant women are having a hard time getting the RSV vaccine. Here’s why — and what they can do.
2023-11-16 12:17:50 EST Source
 751. ID_news Tropical diseases move north. Over the past decade, Aedes albopictus has made its home at increasingly higher latitudes, thanks in part to climate change. The mosquitoes are vectors of chikungunya & dengue viruses.
2023-11-16 12:07:35 EST Source
 752. Coronavirus Covid patient died after surgery went ahead despite positive test
2023-11-16 07:49:36 EST Source
 753. Coronavirus Pandemic prep bill falls victim to COVID politics
2023-11-16 07:28:27 EST Source
 754. ID_news Deadly horse virus prompts cancellation of equestrian events across N.S.
2023-11-15 22:06:11 EST Source
 755. Coronavirus CO2 Monitors Help us WATCH the Air We Breathe: Devices Now Available to Borrow at Every Library in Peterborough City, County, and Hiawatha First Nation
2023-11-15 19:53:48 EST Source
 756. Virology Homework Help
2023-11-15 18:57:13 EST Source
 757. Coronavirus Find a Cure For Long Covid, These Are Our Demands
2023-11-15 17:07:38 EST Source
 758. Coronavirus Long COVID Research Needs a Radical New Approach
2023-11-15 07:09:14 EST Source
 759. Coronavirus Study finds prenatal vaccination protects infants from COVID
2023-11-15 06:18:19 EST Source
 760. COVID19_sp how do you guys stay optimistic and/or hopeful?
2023-11-15 01:42:23 EST Source
 761. COVID19 Full-spike deep mutational scanning helps predict the evolutionary success of SARS-CoV-2 clades
2023-11-14 21:42:49 EST Source
 762. COVID19 High burden of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) in severely immunocompromised patients requiring mechanical ventilation
2023-11-14 16:05:45 EST Source
 763. Coronavirus Sudden Cardiac Death in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A 20-Year Study
2023-11-14 12:19:22 EST Source
 764. ID_news World Pneumonia Day: All You Need To Know About The Life-Threatening Infectious Disease - In the U.S., it is one of the leading causes of child hospitalizations. Around one million adults get hospitalized due to pneumonia every year, of which 50,000 die from the disease.
2023-11-14 11:56:46 EST Source
 765. Coronavirus Study suggests Covid rebound is far more common with Paxlovid than without
2023-11-14 09:33:30 EST Source
 766. Coronavirus Life expectancy gap between men and women in the US widened significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic
2023-11-14 09:30:46 EST Source
 767. ID_news Mum’s warning after four-week-old baby dies from highly contagious illness
2023-11-14 00:14:45 EST Source
 768. Coronavirus Vaccines causing long term health problems.
2023-11-13 22:44:31 EST Source
 769. ID_news Most Infants in ICU for RSV in 2022 Were Otherwise Healthy, but RSV remains a top cause of hospitalization in the first year of life.
2023-11-13 19:06:57 EST Source
 770. ID_news Single-Occupancy Rooms Significantly Decrease Rates of Vancomycin-Resistant E faecium - Physician's Weekly
2023-11-13 19:03:19 EST Source
 771. COVID19 Senolytic therapy alleviates physiological human brain aging and COVID-19 neuropathology
2023-11-13 18:58:53 EST Source
 772. ID_news Viral onslaught lays Kolkata low, hospitals fear crisis of ICU beds | Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human meta-pneumo virus, influenza and H1N1 - India
2023-11-13 16:55:27 EST Source
 773. ID_news Survey finds many Americans are letting their guard down amongst a potentially dangerous year for seasonal illnesses – A third believe they don’t need vaccines if they’re not high risk and that their decision on whether to get vaccinated doesn’t affect others
2023-11-13 16:38:11 EST Source
 774. Coronavirus “People aren’t thinking about us”: How new ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates impacts medically-vulnerable Texans
2023-11-13 14:21:52 EST Source
 775. ID_news The Long Quest for a Universal Flu Vaccine Finally Takes Its First Steps
2023-11-13 12:00:55 EST Source
 776. Coronavirus Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog
2023-11-13 09:09:42 EST Source
 777. Coronavirus Pain, fatigue, fuzzy thinking: How long COVID disrupts the brain
2023-11-13 07:46:32 EST Source
 778. COVID19 Post-Vaccination Syndrome: A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization
2023-11-12 21:15:36 EST Source
 779. Coronavirus What are your US 2024 presidential predictions?
2023-11-12 12:22:57 EST Source
 780. Coronavirus COVID crisis: Authorities accused of dropping the ball on COVID and creating future chronic illness burden
2023-11-12 08:20:15 EST Source
 781. Coronavirus Weekly Discussion Thread | Week of November 12, 2023
2023-11-12 03:00:25 EST Source
 782. COVID19 Cross-regulation of antibody responses against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and commensal microbiota via molecular mimicry
2023-11-11 18:17:39 EST Source
 783. ID_news Northwestern Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital collaborate to address the unmet need of treating hepatitis C in pregnancy and infancy
2023-11-11 15:51:46 EST Source
 784. ID_news Pennsylvania: Whooping cough outbreak at Carlisle High School | The school district says there are 10 confirmed cases.
2023-11-11 15:04:27 EST Source
 785. ID_news How a dirty litter box could slow you down as you age | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder
2023-11-11 14:20:52 EST Source
 786. ID_news India - Tuberculosis: First time infections rise to 30-year high
2023-11-11 12:53:28 EST Source
 787. ID_news ‘We're becoming overwhelmed': Spike in patients seeking ER, Urgent Care strains resources amid RSV hospitalizations
2023-11-11 12:01:09 EST Source
 788. Coronavirus How many in the U.S. are disabled? Proposed census changes would greatly decrease count: Revised questions would affect funding for federal and state programs, Long Covid research, and more
2023-11-11 07:00:38 EST Source
 789. Coronavirus A new COVID variant, HV.1, is now dominant. These are its most common symptoms
2023-11-10 21:13:55 EST Source
 790. Coronavirus Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken?
2023-11-10 20:00:11 EST Source
 791. ID_news Drug Shortages, Lack of Action to Blame in Syphilis 'Crisis': a shortage in antibiotics to treat the infection — combined with lack of interest on the part of drugmakers — has snowballed into a “crisis,” experts say.
2023-11-10 17:57:54 EST Source
 792. ID_news Long Beach Health Department Confirms Human Case of St. Louis Encephalitis
2023-11-10 17:47:51 EST Source
 793. ID_news Study identifies countries vulnerable to extensively drug-resistant typhoid: Using air travel records and data on where local conditions make transmission more likely
2023-11-10 17:43:43 EST Source
 794. ID_news Spread of drug resistant bacteria linked to patient hand contamination and antibiotic use within nursing homes |Cautious use of antibiotics and more education on hand hygiene could improve infection control within these settings
2023-11-10 17:34:28 EST Source
 795. COVID19 B-cell and antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2: infection, vaccination, and hybrid immunity
2023-11-10 16:42:39 EST Source
 796. ID_news Norovirus: What to know and how to avoid it - Mayo Clinic News Network
2023-11-10 14:38:57 EST Source
 797. ID_news Omaha TB exposure at Westview YMCA in Omaha
2023-11-10 11:18:54 EST Source
 798. ID_news Tuberculosis identified at University of Victoria | Canada
2023-11-10 11:17:35 EST Source
 799. ID_news Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella on the Rise: Insights into the Mexico Connection
2023-11-10 11:14:52 EST Source
 800. ID_news Puerto Rico declares flu epidemic with 42 deaths, over 900 hospitalizations - CBS News
2023-11-10 10:58:51 EST Source

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